Rare Things for a Rare Life

The Knights of Joshua

by Tiana Dokerty © 1984-2021



Updated 2/11/24



The Warrior

The Warrior strode into the castle in the third heaven dressed in a pearly gray robe decorated only with gold tokens, awards given him by his master for each of his conquests in the density.

He observed from an alcove as the sculpted crystal doors opened like welcoming arms. The waiting throng of angels whisked into the great hall. Their colorful garments reflected from the floor, splashing the walls with shifting hues.

Then he entered.

The heavenly beings gathered in clusters radiating a glowing light. Some hurried away, their iridescent vestures flowing, rustling around them. Others leaned against alabaster pillars inlaid with gold.

Such pretense. They didn’t care what the old man said any more the he.

All of the other sons of God whispered as the Warrior approached the dais. Their furtive glances betrayed their discomfort at his presence.

The Warrior, head high, passed them by slowly with measured strides, delighting at their gasps and glares.

He growled, insulted, as J’shua Ha Mashiach, the Son and Champion of the God of Truth appeared on the second throne. Evidently, the God of Truth would not be attending.

Scowling, he continued to the dais. The Warrior had a right to be here. He too was created by God, an angel, a son, and a prince over the earth. Soon those others would be beneath his feet. Until then, he would follow the customs of God’s Holy Council. He was here to present his written brief of the facts of his recent investigations. As the trial of the Serpent continued on and on, more and more evidence of his lord’s undeserved condemnation was revealed.

In addition, today, he would inform his enemy of their next impending failure. For where was the glory in defeating an unwary opponent? He glanced down at all his golden awards. And what better than to gloat within the Grand Castle overlooking the Lower Realms through the vast sea and the barrier of the firmament?

The Warrior presented the pages and pages of evidence to the attending guardian. Then he bowed perfunctorily toward the two thrones. “I, the Warrior, Champion of the God of this Age, lay claim to Freislicht. It shall fall as easily as those lands before it. My Master, God over all lesser Gods, desires it, and lawfully, will have it.”

J’shua Ha Mashiach stood. “Your challenge has been added to the Book of Life. You have tempted many, but your time will end. It is also written in the Book that the Children of Men shall not disappoint.”

The Warrior snickered. “We still have dominion in the Density. We’ve eliminated or mentally disarmed your weak followers. The human scourge breeds like vermin. Our host multiplies, swelled by your defectors. What do you have? Mere clay pots. And only a remnant is devoted to you.”

“Even the smallest of the faithful is glorious. You may leave, Warrior.”

Laughing, the Warrior turned on his heel and left.

Outside, his waiting lieutenants bobbed as they hurried to him crooking their heads to watch others rush past.

He’d wanted to stir up an argument with the God of Truth. Instead his son dismissed him with quiet confidence. The Warrior grit his teeth. “Is everything set?”

One approached and bowed. “Yes, Lord. All has been prepared. The woman is in Freislicht. She was accepted at court as the ambassador’s widow. She is most skilled in the deceptive arts. After only a few moons , the court recommended to the king that she marry the Earl of Lorness. Our timeline has been accelerated. Her daughter is grooming his son for you.”

“Very well. It is time that I meet the boy.”



It was the waxing crescent moon of spring, the twenty-ninth year in the reign of King Edal. His first assignment as a trainee had begun wonderfully.

Owakar, faithful son of God, made like his siblings, long before the creation of Adam, looked down and watched. He sat in an old garden on the floor of the barrier on a chipped stone bench. The overgrown ruins were a reminder to remain faithful. He could remember how beautiful the Garden of God had been. Above him was the celestial sea.

During the rebellion the gardens were destroyed and these are the ruins of one. When the God of Truth created the heavens and the earth, he placed a barrier between the sea above and the atmosphere below.

[And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.]

This was his first week as an apprentice watcher. He was thrilled by the promotion. Not that the rank brought power, or benefits, or anything like that. Any employment of his time was a blessing. But to help the God of Truth’s human family directly had always been a desire of his. So excited, he couldn’t stop grinning.

When he was a messenger, Owakar was sent to watchers or guardians with important information. Hundreds of messages, every day. A few times he even appeared in the flesh in the Density before a real human.

He was taught to appear dressed like the person he was to meet. That turned out to be a tattered blue robe and a faded red headscarf. He’d had the training and knew not to copy exactly. That would be weird. Owakar said what they were to hear and walked away before he vanished.

People did the most surprising things. They were so interesting.

One day, long ago, Owakar arrived unseen and whispered to some men in prison. He suggested they sing, not his idea, just the message he’d been given. They sang. And the next thing he knew, there was an earthquake and the prison doors flew open. But the prisoners didn’t run. They stayed and were witnesses of J’shua to their prison guards.

Today, however, Owakar shivered with excitement.

As the population of the earth grew so did the need for more watchers. He was the observant type and a good writer so J’shua had selected Owakar to watch the Province of Lorness in Freislicht. Now he would see people of the Density all the time.

He remained out of sight in the secluded garden, reading the luach balanced on his knee. Tap, swipe, tap, tap. The small disk of light ebbed and flowed in brightness and color.

The luach joined him to the Book of Life, which was vast, multidimensional, and continually refreshed with the knowledge of God. Every word led to streams of thought and intent, individuals and events. Every occurrence the Watchers saw or heard was added to it every day. It was the evidence for the prosecution of the Serpent’s trial.

Only the God of Truth, the Ancient of Days, could perceive and comprehend all of it, all at once.

[For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.]

The God of Truth resided in his castle in the highest heaven, the third heaven. This is where his holy council met.

The atmosphere that surrounded mankind was the first heaven, filled with strange and magnificent flying creatures, large and very small.

He smiled.

In between these heavens was the second heaven, called the celestial sea. It harbored the first of God’s children, both the faithful and the corrupted. The sea was tumultuous and filled with conflict, the very definition of chaos. The humans had to eat and sleep and shelter from the elements. Angels had none of these concerns. So what they did was talk. And in spite of the direction in the Book of Life, endless discussions continue.

[Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.]

A barrier separated the chaos above from the earth below. Though it failed to shield the earth completely. It allowed the God of Truth to monitor the border.

In that chaos, the faithful did much of their work. The tasks of maintaining the realms must be overseen. When the Serpent exposed the concept of self-interest many chose to follow it, to follow him. No one could be trusted completely. Yet the God of Truth continued to let all participate in his creation as he always had.

The corrupted ones chose to interfere with the God of Truth. They blocked important messages and impaired the functioning of his creation. They went wherever they willed, or wherever the Serpent bid them go. But Owakar and the faithful walked in the light, they traversed the three heavens freely serving the God of Truth. The faithful preferred to be above with the council or on the earth with humanity. Owakar certainly did.

When on the earth, in the Density, Owakar could change location with a thought. He could float like a cloud or walk on the ground. To the people of the earth he was thin as atmosphere, invisible.

If he materialized, he became subject to most of the physical laws of their world. He was careful not to stay solid too long. Owakar could not die, but could suffer. Suffering looked terrible. He felt cold and hunger. But he’d never suffered.

The Warrior was a great prince and a follower of the God of this Age, the Serpent. He strolled into the ruins while Owakar watched Lorness below. “Owakar, how are you this fine day?” He leaned in trying to read the luach.

Owakar stiffened and pushed it in his robe. “I am well, Warrior. Is there something you would tell me? Have you repented?”

“Although I and my fellow rebels are shunned and accused because of our exercise of choice, the rightness of our cause will soon become obvious.”

“Yes, yes, so you keep saying.” Owakar glanced about looking for his mentor, Alocrin.

The Warrior glowered. “And we will continue to accuse these humans before our creator and proclaim our righteousness and the futility of our father’s gambits. We shall prevail. Surely you can see that.”

“No, Warrior, I do not see it. I trust our father. It is written:

[Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.]”

“How quaint. I have people to entertain. Good day, Owakar.”

With a sigh, Owakar watched him disappear.

When the first man disobeyed God, he lost the essence of holy spirit and was banished from the Garden of God by slowing his body of light until it was solid. The spirits of heaven, still made of light, call the earthly plane, the Density.

Now, mankind, with their limited view, saw only the Density. They could only observe the spirit realm when J’shua deemed it necessary as they grew to trust and ask for wisdom. Or if they were foolish enough to accept the counsel of a corrupted one.

The luach thrummed. Several messages floated by. Owakar tried to comprehend the recent additions to the Book. He longed to see J’shua’s strategy.

J’shua became the commander when he ascended to the God of Truth’s right hand and accepted leadership for the host of heaven. Then God poured out holy spirit to the humans that trusted his son. They shared with others and the good tidings spread.

A shiver of anticipation ran through him as he heard the voice of J’shua describe a special task.

[This one is a chosen vessel unto me.]

He watched the little cottage below as a man drove up in a wagon carrying two soldiers. He could see no demonic activity so this was the result of human greed and selfishness and they were just following orders.

The old woman prayed. It was awful to watch and not intervene but his orders were to watch.

Why do they have to suffer?

Then the younger woman prayed. He heard the words of their language and their spiritual prayers.

The little girl ran through the field. She was the one he must help.

Then he caught the movement of the old soldier from the corner of his eye. He watched him kill the old couple. Owakar groaned, J’shua, how can this be?

It was his first assignment as a watcher.

Evil things happened to good people. Unfortunately, all the choices of mankind lead to oppression by evil men. It is the natural order.

More elements of the Book bubbled up:

[To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.]

Owakar placed the fading luach back in his robes. He could not believe the directive. “J’shua?”

[For man also knows not his time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so are the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falls suddenly upon them.]

J’shua soothed him. “Keep your task in focus.”

“It’s just that she is so young to be called to a mission.”

[…for such a time as this.]

“I see.” Owakar said, his eyes wide like an owl’s. Sarah was significant to some plan directly from the council. And he must keep her alive. Yet not reveal her importance to the Warrior.

“We will keep her whole through her quest.” He bowed. “I will come before you to report when she attains her place.”

He inhaled deeply and held his breath, letting it out in a huff when J’shua’s presence left him. Owakar would enter the holy throne room and present his report at that time. What was a long time to humans, especially young humans, was a blink of an eye to a watcher.

Owakar sent guardians across his domain, two by two. They would ensure she was never alone.

Where was Alocrin? He needed his mentor’s advice.

The luach thrummed again.

Alocrin had been detained to give his deposition.

The Serpent persisted with schemes to win his case. He continually brought counter allegations against the God of Truth. Already the trial spanned five millennia.

Owakar knew depositions took a long time. Alocrin had been a watcher for many, many years. Deposing him could take days and days. He wondered if he himself would be deposed someday.

The Serpent was wily. But the God of Truth was just. And he was also thorough.

[Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked servant.]


Owakar -

Sometime after the Warrior left him, Owakar was beset by two demons. They dogged his heels as he approached his favorite spot. “Go away. I’m working.”

Demons were the conscious remnants of the Nephilim, abominations destroyed long ago. Another abhorrent experiment of the Serpent’s minions. Some of the princes over the nations took the daughters of men as tribute. Those angels were thrown in Tartarus, the prison in the Abyss. Their unholy offspring were known as Nephilim.

Since J’shua’s administration began, these spirit remnants were easily banished from a human host when light from the Writings strengthened the faith of their victim or if a believer in J’shua cast them out.

Then they must wander the dry places, the air of the atmosphere, until another human gave them entrance. Until then, they pestered a messenger, a watcher or a guardian. Or made obeisance to a corrupted one like the Warrior.

“Oh glorious Owakar, we wish to know how you are faring since your failure. Look at them cry, trapped in a cage.” One demon frowned sympathetically. “You must be terribly upset. They had such an idyllic future ahead. But instead, their life will be torment. I can just imagine what our master has prepared for them.”

The other demon crept closer. “Surely you must need to rest and recover from the great loss.”

Owakar waved them off. “Be gone! You have no understanding. I have no use for you two.” His hidden sword hummed as he began to pull it from its shimmering scabbard. “You heard me. Be gone you gossiping flotsam!”

They disappeared like a fly on the long sticky tongue of a frog. Not exactly, they were not destroyed. Though he wished it. The would probably bother him again.

The Warrior must have sent them to annoy me.

The transparent guardians that Owakar had assigned to Sarah Otual marched on either side of her cage, whispering comforting words and stories to her, their swords ready.

Owakar perused the latest Book entries as both holy ones and aberrants traversed the celestial sea. No one could tell the good ones apart from the bad unless they spoke—or acted. Even then it was hard to tell. All had freewill. And that by itself was chaotic.

“Out of the way!” a messenger yelled, shoving his way through the crowd of attendants. “Make a proper queue!” He said as he flitted by.

Owakar let out a relieved sigh. “Oh, good, not a summons for me then.”

He was afraid he’d made a mistake and would be demoted. He hoped he would please his mentor, Alocrin. But ever since the rebellious watchers caused the great flood, there have been watchers to watch the watchers. All he could do was pray every day that he would not be deceived like they had been. He had been a very good messenger. Always prompt.

He slid the luach in his pocket, thinking on the simple faith of the little girl and the curious empty-headed soldier-boy. It made him laugh. Owakar could not sense any desire from the boy. He’d only touched the aura of the girl to attract the boy’s interest. She had done the rest.

The other soldiers oozed with desires for comfort and pleasure and pride. But not the boy-soldier. He seemed merely curious. His body language hid his thoughts well.

[But J’shua said, Allow the little children to come unto me and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.]

What miraculous surprises the freewill of humanity bestows. Little choices could disrupt the elaborate plans of the Serpent.

As the God of Truth’s watcher for all the towns and people within the Province of Lorness, he heard few prayers that called him to action, dooming him to endlessly watch and chronicle the fulfillment of the God of Truth’s plan. But this time he could act in accordance with the divine council’s instructions.

He resettled himself on the bench, leaning forward with anticipation. From this location, he could see all the players.

“Ah, here they come.” Another family faithful to the God of Truth raced around a bend. Just a nudge of the timeline and a word of wisdom. “Turn!” He gave a triumphant pump of his fist. “Ha! Another divine appointment.”

Owakar watched the altercation with satisfaction and sorrow. Three would sleep. He was sad whenever a human’s opportunities passed. But the rest would carry on. No mortal could know how long their time on earth would last. But when they met the God of Truth, he would be just. That is when their real life will begin.

“Time for a break.”

In a moment, he was before his favorite baker. “One of your peach tarts, good sir.”

[But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.]

He smiled. That message held so many applications. It applied to the holy ones now, moment by moment. It applied to the deceased humans that will rise again. And it gave hope to those still striving in the Density, learning to walk.

He took a small bite of the tart.

[The words of the God of Truth are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.]


Owakar 584

It was the new moon of late spring.

Owakar was horrified when the young soldier offered to drive the girls to the brothel. He could see the guardians share worried looks.

This is terrible! I have failed. I’ll never be a full-fledged watcher.

Who suggested we trust this heathen boy?

If Sarah Otual entered that brothel, it would be impossible to protect her without revealing her importance. Gossiping demons passing through riding their victims would surely notice and report seeing guardians to the Warrior. And it would be very bad if she drew his attention. He gasped in a breath.

The Melazera’s might become interested.

Owakar paced, invisible, lost in thought. He barely notice the people or the animals around him.

What could he do?

He prayed and prayed.

He set his eyes on the young soldier.

He made the sign brighter so he’d read it. He whispered and whispered about the innocent girls and especially Sarah who he seemed fascinated with.

If the soldier took her into that brothel, he’d have to send in guardians to get her out. That wouldn’t do. That wouldn’t do at all.

He left the guardians in charge of her. Owakar froze time and called Alocrin. Then he went to the Lion and Tiger Inn, materialized dressed as a commoner, and entered. Today they were serving baked potatoes, cut in two, and topped with fresh oregano, sage and thyme. The aroma filled his nose and he reveled in its glorious flavor. He nibbled the first half. Such amazing gifts our father bestowed on them. He would stay solid in the Density if he could. But he didn’t have time to walk everywhere. And the limitations of the flesh impeded his assignment. And he was still afraid of suffering like them.

Alocrin arrived, wearing a flashy red cloak.

Owakar waved at him. “Why do you dress so boldly? Aren’t you worried that you will be remembered?

Smiling, Alocrin surveyed the room. The people here, will only remember the story they make up about the rich young man in the red cloak. They will not remember our faces, only our expressions.

Alocrin listened intently as Owakar told him how his tasks were proceeding. “Good, very good. Your reports are timely and your interventions well-planned. You are doing well, Owakar.”

“But I feel so inadequate.” Owakar looked at his hands for a moment. “I want to fix their problems. To end their suffering.”

“It is normal to feel that way.” Alocrin put a firm hand on his shoulder. “It shall end. When the God of Truth has answered all the Serpent’s objections, the sentence will be given. If you change a person’s journey by your will, you take away their free-will and concede that the Serpent is right.”

“But what can I do? The boy is taking her to the brothel.”

Alocrin continued, “The Serpent refused the governing of his father, the God of Truth. Chaos is a natural product of free-will without love. We have it in the celestial sea, therefore we see it in the Density as well. Unbridled self-interest creates evil. J’shua made a way for mankind to receive forgiveness and govern themselves with the Law of Love. Only the God of Truth sees the whole picture. You must walk in wisdom when you interfere.”

When they finished their meal, Alocrin left first.

Owakar finished the second half of his potato.

Once Owakar turned the corner, he transformed into light again and vanished. Returning he watched in despair.


Owakar 211

Owakar shook with relief. But they were not out of trouble yet. One thing he knew was that human’s could not be trusted.

The boy was certainly brave enough to take the girl to safety. But would he get distracted or change his mind?

Owakar reread everything he could find about this boy on the luach. There was not much here. That meant the God of Truth had deliberately kept his past a secret. There are many things buried in the Book of Life that the God of Truth does not reveal. He has his secrets. Something about this boy was special. He guessed that if anyone knew the truth, he could reveal it to the boy or to an enemy of the boy. And somehow that would harm the boy or misdirect the plan of God. Now he was curious.

Blackhawk was taken in by Gaelib Melazera and served him directly. The depravity that was recorded about the earl made Owakar shudder. He was beginning to understand the boy. It explained why he was strong in self-protection, keeping his thoughts and desires so tightly controlled.

Perhaps they would save each other.

Owakar paced while he watched. And prayed.

Just do the tasks Owakar. I’m as impatient as a human.



It was the first half-moon of late spring.

Owakar hiked up his robe, and sat legs crossed, enjoying the wonder of the soft clover under him and the warm, shining sun above. Clouds, the clouds edged by ever so slowly, casting diffuse shadows across the field. He could stop time and revel just a moment longer. But that would be an abuse of power. If he wanted to stay here in the Density, he would have to obey the natural laws, unless his orders required otherwise.

He could see how tempting it was for the corrupted ones. Once you disobey, it seems reasonable to disobey again. Owakar knew he had free-will, and he had made plenty of mistakes, but he still desired to please his Father. And the many joys that his Father provided were enough for him.

The Density was so vibrant with possibilities.

Each attempt by the Serpent to prove his case in the Holy Council caused consequences in the future and many opportunities, new possibilities. And try as he might, the Serpent could not know how faithful humans would respond. He could not read their minds. No created spirit could. They had observed their tendencies for over five millennia so they could predict much. But only the God of Truth knew what was in the heart of a man. They could be far too spontaneous. Even as the Serpent’s followers gradually molded them to the Serpent’s debauched ideals, the spirit of J’shua could still prick those willing into action.

Even today, he had instigated a dozen divine appointments within Lorness Province which he could not have done if the humans were not willing.

Owakar had needed this one to be sober. He had waited for the right moment. Then he passed by Jonathan Otual and cleared the fool’s head of the alcohol. He waited for Jonathan to walk outside.

Then as the two men outside shook each other and yelled, Owakar prodded the soldier to notice the disturbance and whispered into his ear, “Oh. That could mean trouble. Best to nip it in the bud.”

The soldier sighed and with a wave to the shopkeeper, started across the street.

Owakar watched as Jonathan Otual observed the men fighting and the soldier looking in their direction. He grinned when Otual headed toward the wrestling men.

The result would ripple outward, like a stone cast into a still pond.

A pond, that made him think of fish. Yesterday, a traveling family had invited him to share their meal. He enjoyed the fellowship, and especially the moist, flaky, baked fish. Mmm.

Owakar mused as he turned a corner. A drunk in the alley leaned against the building, just about to take another swig. His eyes went wide as Owakar, pretending to be a spontaneous human, gave the man a hug and left the Density to observe from above.

The drunk blinked and rubbed his face. He craned his neck looking in all directions for the man that disappeared. Then he threw the bottle to the ground and ran.

Aha. Another surprising event. Perhaps he’ll master his drinking.

While most of Lorness slept, he began his research. One assignment still intrigued him.

He followed every point back from the current event to the earliest accounts the luach held. Owakar was so curious about this man.

Jonathan Otual was not usually burdened down with condemnation and recriminations for old regrets, incapacitated, reliving mistakes. But rather sought J’shua when they arose. It was the way humans learned. Well, some of them learned. Why did he wallow?

Tap-tapping his luach through the recent events and a few linked affairs, he paused. He swiped again. “Oh, ho! He is the caged girl’s father.” He reread the history.

The luach provided many accounts showing Jonathan followed the writings of the Lightbringer Paul who taught his followers to worship God in spirit and in truth. And it was Paul that had been given the revelation of the sacred secret.

[Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.]

Jonathan Otual taught these to his wife and children.

He came from humble peasant stock. His parents were well acquainted with J’shua’s words and taught him to worship the God of Truth. When they died, a Knight of J’shua took guardianship of the boy and gave him to King Edal as a companion for his son, Prince Sagen. Later, he trained as a Knight of J’shua and served well for ten years in Esthlanis and Mestelina. Each of the records led to many events that Jonathan Otual had facilitated.

Clearly an upright man, committed to J’shua Ha Mashiach, a man that Owakar should help. All trails pointed to it. And the knight oft prayed in the spirit.



It was the full moon of late spring.

The luach buzzed to life.

Owakar paced, praying for someone to rise up and stop these ever more frequent abominations. The worst event he’d ever read in Freislicht. The corruption of the land grew ever more oppressive as more and more people succumbed to the Serpent’s lies. The Serpent hardly needed any demons, he had so many debased people to do the work.

The Warrior approached. Dressed in his usual gray robes, his mane of inky hair framed his perfect face. “Did you see? My pawn grows stronger. He’ll make a proper king, ruling with a rod of iron.”

J’shua Ha Mashiach had instructed Owakar to ignore the Warrior, just let the aberrant being talk.

He frowned. It was difficult.

“Nothing to say? No witty retort?” The Warrior grinned and walked on.

“That woman will be resurrected,” slipped from Owakar’s lips.

The Warrior laughed.

Owakar grit his teeth. The words from the Book of Life constrained his thoughts.

[Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.]

Owakar thrummed a message to Alocrin, “Meet at the inn?”

“Already here.” His mentor replied. “I thought you’d reach out.”


Owakar, Lorness first half-moon of summer

It was the first half-moon of summer.

“How could this woman masquerading as a man facilitate anything good?” Owakar added her doings to the Book of Life. A passage appeared from the luach.

[And we know that all things work together for good…]

“Hmph. Their lives are so short. Why must they be so wrought with suffering? Isn’t there a better way?”

The luach thrummed again.

[Wisdom is better than weapons of war.]

“I know—and wisdom is only gained through suffering.”

[For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.]

“Yes, J’shua, of course.”

[The upright shall not much remember the days of his life; because God answers him in the joy of his heart.]

“It is written.”

He wondered what his brother, Alocrin, would think of her.

Maybe they could meet at the inn and discuss it.

Owakar sent the message to his mentor and immediately was at the inn. Travel for a watcher was a thought away.

He became physical in the nearby woods, then entered The Lion and Tiger Inn dressed as a peasant. He smirked. Alocrin wore the garb and airs of a merchant and conversed with the innkeeper.

As their eyes met, Alocrin thanked the man and pushed away from the counter holding a jug and two cups. “Come, Owakar, I think you need some good ale. My friend, Daryl, will send bread.”

“We’re supposed to blend in,” Owakar whispered.

“I do.” Alocrin nodded to the room filled with merchants and peasants.

Owakar shook his head as he sat at the rough-hewn table. “I haven’t been a watcher for long. From what I’ve read, since the last earl died, it’s become worse and worse.”

Alocrin placed a firm hand on his shoulder. “Peace, brother. You are doing well. I will continue to pray for you. Do not worry for them. They must learn. Just like we do.”

Owakar sighed.

“They learn best by experiencing failures and pain. Sometimes we can warn them away from danger, but that usually just pushes the lesson farther down the road to a time in life when the consequences are more dire. So the God of Truth has ordained that each  should learn their lessons as soon as they can. We can at times interfere with traps set by their adversary. But most of their mishaps are of their own devising. The infant that is always carried never learns to walk.”

A server set a loaf of bread and a dish of cinnamon honey sop on the table.

Alocrin thanked her and continued, “At least you have exciting things to observe. And facilitate. Tell me of this woman that dresses like a man.”

Owakar smiled and took a swallow of the sweet, earthy ale. “She has become quite convincing.”

After their meeting ended, Owakar returned to his post.

The sun set over Lorness while Owakar closed his latest entry and watched Rebekah ride to River Town. “Find the weasel.” He clapped his hands as she heard him. Owakar glanced around for any signs of the Warrior or his henchmen. He had to keep her hidden from him.

Only the faithful had access to a luach. Even if they stole one, it would not work for them. They have no faith.

He whispered comforting words to Rebekah, then sent two brawny guardians. They walked beside her, invisible to all who looked their way. They would shield her from the weasel’s evil spirits and help her see.

Then the luach hummed. Alocrin sent him a message. Jonathan Otual would soon be arriving in the domain of Lorness. Be ready.

Owakar tap-tapped through all the linked records.

He has an enemy. Ah. Guardians follow him already.


Quorin by Owakar full moon of summer

It was the full moon of summer.

Owakar arrived just in time to see the knight spook the highwaymen’s horses and wound the older one. Owakar gave the older man a touch of dizziness to make sure he had no thought to follow the knight. The watcher waited to make sure.

The older man grimaced. As he watched the knight race away, he said, “Rosey didn’a tell me ‘e was armed.” He raised his bloody arm, dropping the accent. “Don’t follow him, Rhay-Rhay.”

“But it’s so much money, Quorin.” The fuzzy bearded one said, turning to see the knight disappear in the pouring rain.

“Living is more important. Especially since I’ve been reduced to…this.” He grabbed a thong and began tying it above the gash. “Well, don’t just gawp, Rhaylth. Help me. I’d rather not lose any more blood.”

Nodding, Rhaylth dismounted and pulled the tourniquet tight. “It’s more money than I’ve ever seen. Couldn’t we—”

“No. That was a Knight of J’shua. Had I known that beforehand, I’d have charged triple. But as it is, Rosewud thinks he hired a fool named Caydin.” He grinned, “A bit uv a no-hop’r, ya know?”


“That’s why I spoke to Rosewud without you. You’ve no talent for doing voices. It’s also why…” he slapped a saddlebag that jingled pleasantly, “I insisted on half up front. And it seems Rosewud didn’t care if we survived or not so I doubt he’ll come looking for us. Since we failed, I suppose we’ll have to keep working for the Order.”


“Stop saying that and bandage my arm. I can’t keep this tourniquet tight for long.”

“Yes, Quorin.”

The beating rain became a drizzle.

Owakar added everything to the luach.

Jonathan Otual may not have needed any help, but the apprentice watcher was determined to do everything he could to get him and his family through these dark times.



It was the last half-moon of summer.

Owakar shook with joy in Jonathan’s triumph. Unlike the knight, he could see its effect throughout Lorness. Could actually see the waves of benefits that would follow, the suffering it would end, and the families it would reunite.

That it would also impede the wicked plans of the Warrior was an added victory.

He sighed in satisfaction.

Did he have time for a bite before the next appointment? The baker was just a few doors down. He peeked at the luach.

Owakar frowned as Rebekah Otual approached the Sapphire Inn. She was early.

Although she was very entertaining, Rebekah Otual was too spontaneous. She was becoming a fulltime employment. Today, she traveled to River Town. But she prayed fervently so he had to watch her.


Owakar, Lorness

Owakar jumped when the luach chirped and buzzed. Reports from all over the kingdom said something big had happened in Lorness. He’d watched her enter the cave, but he didn’t follow her. Nothing was left in the cave. What had she done?

There she was carrying something wrapped in a cloth. She put it carefully in her pack.

He came closer. What was it?

Finally, J’shua wrote in the luach that she had found an innocent child’s severed hand. The child had been sacrificed to Ra who demanded blood and then to Molech who demanded burnt offerings.

Owakar was sick. This had happened on his watch. Some watcher he would be. How could he have missed it. And he’d been complaining about the strange woman dressing like a man.

She had done more than he.

He resolved to do better. He would follow her more closely.

Despite the ghastly discovery, Owakar smiled, making entries into the luach.

As the foul spirits screamed, blown helplessly to and fro, Owakar’s chuckles became roars of laughter. “Farewell, tainted ones. Enjoy your journey into the darkness.”

Without the sanctuary she’d kept for them, they lost their hold on Caileagh.

Owakar made sure they could never see who had ruined their obscene temple.

That Rebekah could hinder the God of this Age brought pure mirth. So he called Alocrin, “Come celebrate! That woman has destroyed a work of the Serpent.”

Joyously, he picked up his luach again and added this incident to the Book as a passage glowed brighter.

[Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain.]

Then he whistled as he stepped out of a coach and sauntered into The Lion and Tiger Inn. This time he wore a velvet cloak and rings on his fingers. He ordered a pitcher and took a table to wait for his friend. What’s on the menu?


[Move] Owakar, Full Moon, Winter

It was the full moon of winter in the thirtieth year of King Edal.

Owakar waited for Alocrin outside the Lion and Tiger Inn. His mentor and friend had much more experience with the people of the density. Meeting here every moon, Owakar was happy to learn all that Alocrin could teach him about helping them.

They sat at their favorite small table in a corner.

Alocrin continued, “You must be careful not to reveal too much. They wish to have everything, immediately. When they know too much they get puffed up and strut around and crow like roosters. To guide them, a word of wisdom or word of knowledge must be timely, and just enough to get them moving in the right direction. Hopefully, they make better choices as they learn.”

Owakar promised to remember the lesson.


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Waning Crescent Moon, Winter, The Knights’ School

It was shortly before sunset when Commandant Greysun signaled his soldiers to surround the Knights’ School. Once the placements were correct, he bellowed, “Come out, by order of the king!” His anticipation warmed him against the cold.

Finally, the knights trickled out into the low-walled courtyard in front of their school. Some wore their familiar navy cloaks; others were in plain clothes. The cook folded his apron, tucking it in his belt. The soldiers outnumbered them four to one.

So few? This will be all too easy. What a pity; I’d been looking forward to making a show of this. Still, I’ll control the retelling, so…

